Monday, January 21, 2008

New Year List

No New Year would be complete without a list of resolutions, and I just happen to love lists. So here it is, my list of goals and resolutions.

1. Clean out closets and drawers. Get more organized.
2. Make everyday moments more educational with kids.
3. Keep up on house work. Do one load of laundry a day.
4. Read scriptures daily, ideally in the morning.
5. Learn a new wake boarding trick.
6. Go snowboarding at least six times.
7. Get pregnant with my fourth child.
8. Finish the Moab 1/2 marathon in under 2 hours.
9. Floss teeth three times a week.
10.Work on my wardrobe.
I feel good about this list and this year. I have already rearranged and organized my home office and my house has been much tidier.


sara said...

j o s i e !

You have a blog!

I love the list. Especially learning a new wakeboarding trick - that is a fun one - well, they're actually all great!

I haven't actually put mine on paper I need to remember them.

Lets run next week.

Tia said...

okay keep it up! We'll motivate each other by posting comments they're always fun to read!

Russ and Debbie said...

Wow, what a list. You are so ambitious, I love it.

Russ and Debbie said...

Oh, I am growing Williams hair out so he can be cute like Owen.