Tuesday, February 12, 2008

27 and loving it!!!

27 may be the year many famous rockstars have cashed out, but as for me 27 feels like the bigginning of an exciting adult life! I feel like for the first time I can truly accomplish anything that I set my mind to. I am finally gaining enough patience and focus to carry through with the goals that I set for myself. Maybe it's that recently I feel like I've become a more compitent homemaker, wife and mother. I have been raising my children for the last 5 1/2 years and I finally feel like Im not so clueless anymore, that I have a handle on things, and that all the loose ends are starting to come together.

It's nice to have homelife going well because I can venture out a little bit and work on some personal goals. Some of those goals Im starting right now. Others the timing just isn't right yet,but some day it will be.

I wonder at what other age I'll sit back and think, gosh I love being ___ ! Maybe it will be 40. I think that will be a good age. Maybe it's true what they say.... "Youth is wasted on youth." Wouldn't it be nice to have the wisdom and experience of a 60 year old but the body of a 21 year old. Maybe God knew what he was thinking when he created the resurrection...


sara said...

I feel the exact same way - I love getting older, because with each year I gain more confidence, and feel I have learned so much...adding to the 'wisdom well' Sometimes I think - oh if only I knew then what I know now - but then I think, it's the PROCESS of gaining that knowledge that is so valuable - but, I totally agree with the wisdom of a 60 year old in a young 20's body! That would be fabulous.
I think you'll enjoy each and every year - because that's the attitude you have.
I know it will be hard for me when my body stops cooperating with the things I want to do!

Russ and Debbie said...

That is how I feel. I feel good knowing that life doesn't stop when you get older and no matter what age we can keep learning, growing, doing.