Sunday, February 17, 2008


I will tell you what............

I have been in the dark for way too long.

I guess it started when as a thirteen year old girl I started my period. Every month, backaches, stomach cramps, PAINFUL! What a way to get thrown into womanhood. Then I had a little accident having a water fight with my little sis. I ran into an old splintery coffee table which ended in a six inch splinter (if you can call it that) slicing through my leg and puncturing my hamstring. Next we move on to the removal of my wisdom teeth, two of which were impacted. Not pretty! Oh, and last but not least there was the birth of my three beautiful boys, the latter two born at home and the biggest weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs..

Now, do you think that I took advantage of modern day medicine to relieve some of the pain. No, No, No, not me. Never did I really use any of the painkillers (well at least not the way I was supposed to, but I won't get into details about that). I don't know, maybe I have just wanted to be tough, or maybe I just didn't know how great the relief could be, but about three days ago a new light was shed. OK, here's where it starts to sound a bit like a DayQuil commercial.

I came down with the flu and it hit hard. I felt like every cell in my body was screaming and crawling. Maybe it was the fact that it was Valentines day, or that I had family in town from Hawaii, or better yet that I had three kids at home and that I couldnt just lie on the couch for three days straight. But honestly, I think it was the fact that I had a party I didn't want to miss that made me take the DayQuil. It worked like a freakin miracle! No one would have ever known that one hour earlier I had been under the covers wishing they could warm me but not touch me. It didn't stop there. That night I followed it up with NyQuil and I didn't stop taking that stuff until I felt better.

I am a changed woman. No more needless suffering for me. The next time I feel any sort of pain I am reaching for some Tylenol, Advil, or whatever else I can get my hands on.


sara said...

This is so funny. I have had the same experience!
Whenever I would get a headache, or had cramps - never took medicine - after my babies were born - I took maybe 1 dose of what they gave me, then just had ibuprofin, and then once I was home (24 hrs later) - nothing. I don't know why either.
It took me having the flu as well and not thinking I was going to survive when Jess dosed me up, put me to bed and I woke up a happy girl again!

I would have never guessed you felt so awful before the party! I just thought you had a cold/were congested. Thank goodness for modern medicine! :D

Russ and Debbie said...

I have been taking advantage of medicine for awhile. I agree, when you are sick like that it is the best kind of relief. But I don't know how you did the labor thing with out meds. I would be dead. Seriously, My body would have just shut down. You are amazing!

Tia said...

Yeah I knew you were sick but not that sick now I feel bad - I would have told you to stay home and rest - but I really wanted you there!! Anyway I could have told you medicine is a really good thing - too good Im definetly one of those people that could get addicted to pain medication! I love things that instantly make me feel better :)