Saturday, February 23, 2008

Yikes! Small Boobs.

This happens to me every time I quit nursing. There is just no preparing for the boob shrinkage. I wish this didn't affect me so much but it does! I go through about a month of depression which is accompanied by an obsession with getting a boob job. During this time I struggle with knowing if that would be the right decision for me. I just don't don't know if I could ever go through with surgery, or if I would want or like something foreign in my body. Most importantly I don't know how I feel about it spiritually. Maybe this is just one of my tests. Can I live and be happy with my breasts completely changing (and not for the better) and not give into vanity. But just as I think about all the reasons I could never go through with a boob job, I justify and think about all the reasons why I could. I have nursed three hungry, big boys, and although nursing has had physical advantages for the both of us I have had to sacrifice my full, supple breasts for deflated and shriveled breasts. Is wanting and getting my boobs back( well I guess they wouldn't really be my boobs) too much to ask for?
I'm not one to sit around and be depressed about something and not do anything about it, so the other day I went out and bought a couple of new push-up bras. They have truly made me feel better about my situation. As of now this is all I am ready to do about this dilemma.
At the end of the day I wouldn't have my life any other way. I love my family and I would sacrifice my body again for them. Sometimes I just wish I could have both. My family and my boobs. Huh. Story of my life........... Wanting everything.


sara said...

Oh Josie! *funny* I think I could have written this post WORD FOR WORD! Too funny. I feel the exact same way, but don't know if I could ever REALLY take the plunge and 'go under the knife'.

Tia said...

Yeah Josie this is freaken funny. Honestly if the bras will do it for you then thats great but if not im also for a boob job. Im getting a tummy tuck no questions asked!

debsfreckles said...

Oh, Josie. I am going through the loss of boobs right now too. It sucks, but I just think of all the great women that went before
me and never had the option for something like this and were perfectly happy, and sexy. Our bodies going to crap is just part of life and I am learning to except it. Everytime I think about my small boobs or really gross tummy I try and think about the things I can change, like my character and that needs a lot of work. My hubby loves me, and that is all that matters. I just picture myself meeting Christ in the next life and him saying, "that was what was most important to you?" That is what stops me. And I have been wearing a water bra for years now and I love them.

debsfreckles said...

Okay, I just re-read my last comment and I hope I don't sound judgemental or anything. That is not how that was supposed to sound. I just wanted to let you know how I deal with the problem. You do whatever feels right to you.

Unknown said...

Another option, Josie, is gain weight. I always had little boobs until I gained about 30 lbs. Only good thing about being a bit plump are the bigger boobs. But now I'd trade my bigger boobs for 30 less pounds in a heartbeat! I'm working on it. See you in September for the Imogene Pass Run.
