Friday, June 6, 2008

My Husband

~My Guy~

Last night I was reminded of how much I like my husband. It's easy to forget sometimes with all of our responsibilities, whether it be our kids, work, our house, or church callings. It can all get so serious sometimes. Uck! Although, I have to admit we do make a good team. Life and family is a lot of work and I would never recommend marrying someone who you have a difficult time working with.

Back to last night and what reminded me of how much I like and enjoy my husband. We were cleaning the kitchen together after the kids went to bed and we were both feeling a little playful. I'm sure my husband initiated it but we somehow began to wrestle around. I forget how strong Jonathan is but I was giving it my all to give him a good fight. It was actually pretty pathetic and he obviously thought it was hilarious to watch my flailing arms and legs trying desperately to break free of his iron grip. He started laughing so hard at me that there was snot and drool running down his face. For whatever reason I usually find it amusing when my husband makes fun of me and to see his fit of uncontrollable laughter was just to much and threw me into a fit of my own. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I was left weak with aching stomach muscles.

It was great to share that moment with Jonathan. It reminded me of how we used to feel before we had kids. One of the reasons I fell in love with Jonathan is that I felt like we could be kids around each other. He could always make me laugh.

Last night made me realize that I want to laugh more with my husband. It's easy for life's burdens to zap the humor out of you, but I am determined not to let them.


debsfreckles said...

I have had moments like these. It is funny to think about because I know most married couples can get pretty "wierd" when it is just them, that is what is fun, being crazy together.

sara said...

this post. So sweet, and it made me laugh out loud! The imagery!