Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I usually love being the only girl in my all boy family, but there are times when I can completely feel surrounded. The other night I had one of those moments. It was a beautiful night. You know the kind where the air is perfectly still, but not stale, just clean and crisp. The kind that only mountains can produce. I had made the family dinner and we were all enjoying it outside on our deck. I was so comfortable and happy to be enjoying the lovely evening with the boys. Then as all peaceful moments end up with the boys, the dinner turned into a rowdy ruckus. It started with Tanner who had spilled his water onto his high chair tray and discovered that when he banged his hands down the water would splash me. This was just too funny for the boys and they all started laughing. There little brains started ticking and they couldn't be the only ones splashing. Noah started squirting water out of his mouth at Jonathan and Owen not being coordinated enough to do the squirting trick opted to dump his cup of water out across the dinner table. Jonathan decided to join in instead of calming the ruckus down. Was I the only one who wished to eat dinner in peace!
I attempted to calm the boys down by getting Tanner down from his high chair since he was the source of all of the rowdiness. It worked for a few minutes but then he decided to climb on the table and share some bites with Owen. Just as I was about to reach for him and lift him off the table he turned around and sat right down on top of Noah's plate of food. Ugghh! Forget about it! I realized my hope of finishing my dinner in peace was over.
It is kind of funny to think back on but all of the rowdiness that comes with having a household of boys continues to be a source of joy and sometimes an annoyance for me.

Events from the last couple of weeks.

A visit from Great Grandma Penny.

The boys were so excited to set up our tent in the backyard only to end up scared and returning to their beds in the house.

Noah's 1K race. He has started the kids fun run series going on this summer and finishing in the Fall.

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